
Therapeutic interventions are used to enhance skills in a fun, play-oriented, and supportive environment. Skills are progressed sequentially — ensuring success for the child at all stages. 

Sessions and programs are family-centred. Parents and caregivers are part of goal setting, treatment sessions, and follow-through. Timing and frequency of sessions are determined based on child and family needs and therapist availability.

I have specific training in the following areas:

  • Therapeutic Listening

  • Integrated Listening Systems

  • Safe and Sound Protocol

  • Astronaut Training

  • Visual and Vestibular Integration

  • Trauma Informed Approach to Sensory Processing Disorders and Arousal Regulation

  • Certificate Training in Neuroscience and Self-Regulation Techniques for Children with Autism, ADHD and Sensory Disorders

  • Building Blocks to Co-Regulation

  • Neurodevelopmental Treatment & Neurodevelopmental Treatment for Autism


  • Handwriting Without Tears

  • Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding & Managing Aversive and Behavioural Feeding Disorders
